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Home. For now.

May 5, 2024


I noticed this insect inside one of the flower while out on my back patio. It appeared dead, unresponsive and not moving. All I could think was what a beautiful and fragrant place to be laid to rest. RIP little buddy.

July 28, 2023

Ramona, California

The half-finished white picket fence I always dreamed of having.

February 6, 2023

Ramona, California

You couldn’t ask for a better view while waiting at the ATM… I mean, you could, but why would you? And who would you ask? Your mom?

January 20, 2023

Ramona, California

Watching “Licorice Pizza” twice in one day. Don’t worry, bleeding out of my ears and mouth while shooting laser beams out of my eyes is normal for me.

November 30, 2022

Ramona, California

Holding up a wall. Desperately.

November 17, 2022

Ramona, California

“Huh? What’s that, Mom and Dad? You like an ancient book full of hallucinogenic stories more than me? That’s fair.”

I put this image on a custom credit card and they shipped it to the wrong fucking address. So somewhere out there there’s a fucking weirdo walking around with me in their wallet. Or maybe they lied and they framed it and it’s in the lobby of the credit card company cuz they’re such big fans of the podcast. Yeah, yeah, that’s probably the more likely option.

Sometimes this happens when I have to wake up too early in the morning.

October 7, 2022

Ramona, California

The cape honeysuckle continues to live on in its bucket. Strong bloomies. Strong bucket bush.

September 9, 2022

Ramona, California

April 22, 2022

San Pasqual Valley, California

It’s like God smiling down, flipping us off with UV radiation. My fucking sunburn hurts, goddammit.

April 12, 2022

Escondido, California

April 12, 2022

San Marcos, California

DK anniversary skateboards coming soon… in the year 2062.

April 2, 2022

Escondido, California

Home for one month of my life, I lose myself down a portal of infinite time and space in Joshy Josh’s kitchen skylight.

April 2, 2022

Escondido, California

Shout out to this lady for putting up with my psycho ass for 4 years. Thank you for always being so sweet to me, inviting me to holiday meals, and for being willing to take my weird orphan plants.

March 31, 2022

La Mesa, California

Dwain “The Rock” Boston. This man lifted me up when I was at my lowest. He didn’t even know who the fuck I was, just another neighbor, some weird, sad, angry, distraught, confused, self-loathing white guy sitting on the street curb. But he still engaged me, fearlessly. Despite our age difference, we related to each other. He shared stories of his estrangement from his parents, siblings, and his children, struggles with his wife, finances, drugs, and religion. This dude was vulnerable beyond measure and gave me strength when I needed it most. Thank you, forever.

March 30, 2022

La Mesa, California

March 4, 2022

La Mesa, California

March 3, 2022

La Mesa, California

Ashley chose to leave our partnership and friendship in July 2021 by means of infidelity. I found this on the ground while out on one of my walks, processing the finality of heartbreak. A fitting location and a fitting word. What an amazing synchronicity. Bye, Felicia, indeed.

November 16, 2021

La Mesa, California

October 10, 2021

La Mesa, California

Trouble in the air.

October 5, 2021

La Mesa, California

Don’t turn me back to the old me: I stopped binge drinking after over 13 years of dependency, right after my vision did this for the 10 millionth time. Separating from enablers helped immensely. Fuck, this makes me thirsty lol.

September 22, 2021

La Mesa, California

August 10, 2021

Lake Murray, California

August 10, 2021

Lake Murray, California

August 10, 2021

Lake Murray, California

August 10, 2021

La Mesa, California

June 17, 2021

Liberty Station, California

This day and location marked the beginning of the end. Boy, I wish I was on that plane.

June 17, 2021

Liberty Station, California

Air Jorpan. David Jorpanheimer. 1 foot vertical. Print that shit.

October 11, 2020

La Mesa, California

JULY 8, 2020


MAY 31, 2020


Selling our souls to survive... I mean, uh, we really believe in this shit! Definitely not uncomfortable whatsoever. Totally trustworthy.

February 16, 2020

La Mesa, California

The double-fisting of warm beverages really must stop.

December 2, 2019

La Mesa, California

Old screenshot of me commenting on one of my all-time favorite live performances.

August ‎8, ‎2019.

Mount Helix Park, California

June ‎3, ‎2019

Sunset at the La Mesa apartment.

January 8, 2019

As an introvert, I’ve been criticized more than once that I don’t seem approachable. This is interesting to me, because I’m never so closed-off as to not notice someone else taking my picture just a few steps away. Avoidant behaviors include hiding behind phones and ignoring people around you. I might be introverted, but I sure as fuck am not avoidant. Most people don’t enjoy paying attention to others unless they want something from them. What do they want or not want?

December 28, 2018

Point Loma, California

December 17, 2018

San Diego California

Out working with the tree service, my thoughts turn skywards in an effort to escape such a brutal way of living.

December 5, 2018

Poway, California

‎Sometimes it’s hard to choose.

November ‎13, ‎2018

Dehesa, California

There used to be an employee that worked at my neighborhood Vons. I thought he looked like the main character from “Eraserhead,” big hair and all. He was out retrieving shopping carts one day and I took this picture while walking, not even catching him on camera. So I made this instead.

October ‎26, ‎2018

La Mesa, California

My first Cali plates. Word up to your mother.

May 2018

La Mesa, California


Yes it is, Eleanor, yes it is. I found this weird-ass collage of this gold-digging socialite — oops, I mean First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt — being very handsy. So naturally I found it necessary to generate a meme out of it. You’re welcome, World.

February 13, 2017


‎Dead flowers.

Grimes, Iowa

August ‎18, ‎2016

Dead Flowers.

Ankeny, Iowa

August ‎18, ‎2016

“Fuck hashtags and retweets.” — Jay-Z

“Thank God David finally got new glasses. Those wire frames were fucking hideous.” — also Jay-Z

Grimes, Iowa

August ‎11, ‎2016

The infamous closed-eyes photo with John Waters after waiting an hour in line. His advice to me about making movies was essentially do whatever it takes to make what you want no matter where you’re at. My advice to him: open your fucking eyes for photos or I won’t buy your shitty book next time at your shitty free lecture. I’m joking, you were great. I’m joking again, I want that hour of my life back, plus the other hour sitting in the yawn-inducing lecture. Hanging out with Endri was great as always though. Maybe next time he can give the talk and do the signing. I’d even pay John Waters not to do it.

October ‎15, ‎2014

Hoyt Sherman Theater, Des Moines, Iowa

If only I had just thrown myself over the balcony, maybe things would’ve turned out better.

“Wow, if I had a dollar for every pixel in this picture I’d have two whole dollars.” — Endri

The PowerPose photo sessions, where I taught young orphan children how to strike a powerful pose in order to not be ridiculed mercilessly by other children. Mission accomplished. *thumbs up*

June ‎8, ‎2014

Johnston, Iowa

I generated this meme in honor of this great bridge design that clearly allows natural water flow. And always nice to spot a tire in our rivers!

May 28, 2014

Johnston, Iowa

I generated this meme in honor of my suffering.

April 27, 2014

I generated this meme in honor of all the fitness gurus that began inundating every social media feed known to man. And no that’s not a picture of me getting shredded. Fuck you.

April ‎25, ‎2014

I generated this meme in honor of Easter landing on 4/20 that year. I remember sending it to my friend Carter. It made him cry. With freaking laughter. Blessings.

April ‎20, ‎2014

“What is it you’re looking for?” “Drugs. All the drugs. And, like, 15 sandwiches. I know you got ‘em.”

April 7, 2014

Johnston, Iowa

With my brother from multiple other mothers. How’s that possible? Ask science.

August 18, 2013

Indianola, Iowa

With Peter Stormare after wrapping principal photography for the 2009 film “Janie Jones.” He didn’t like my glasses and the paparazzi caught our wild ass fight breaking out on camera. He broke my jaw, neck, and fist. Metaphorically speaking, of course. What a heavyweight, this guy chews up every scene in every film I’ve ever seen him in. What an honor for him to choke me out in this beautiful Swedish death grip.

October 2009

Des Moines, Iowa

On the set of “Janie Jones.” I remember Endri writing on my Facebook wall, “Don’t do it, David!” I think I replied something like “I’m gonna do it. Here I go. Don’t try and stop me. I’m gonna do it. Right now. Here I go. Don’t stop me. This is it. I’m doin’ it. I’m definitely going to do it. Right now. I’m about to do it…” And so on and so forth.

September 2009

Des Moines, Iowa

James helping me move apartments. I was an idiot. Wish I never lost touch with this guy. Why did I plan his kidnapping? WHY?! Idiot.

December 2007

Culver City, California

I took these four black-and-whites at a Ralph’s for an assignment at the Art Institute. I don’t remember the assignment, but it was boring and uninspired, like most delegations and declarations from authority figures. This explains why I avoided it and didn’t engage well when confronting it. The teacher told me to redo it, that I didn’t try hard enough. It’s never enough for other people.

October ‎22, ‎2007

Culver City, California

My first morning in L.A. I got to this grimy motel after midnight, paid about $60, slept for about 5 hours, then went to orientation at the now-closed Art Institute of Los Angeles — Santa Monica, where I proceeded to accidentally spill orange juice on some girl because I was so disoriented. All those homeschooling social skills really paid off. Thanks Mom & Dad. Psyche. #Blessed

August 2007 — The timestamp was set incorrectly, so disregard that. Or don’t, if you’re the delusional type.

Los Angeles, California

David Kato